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Hot Shot Car Shipping Explained

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Give your car its own dedicated trailer with hot shot shipping!
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Have you ever wondered what the phrase “hot shot” means in the context of car shipping services? We know that there are a lot of names in our industry that might be confusing. And hot shot transport is definitely among the more difficult ones to understand at first. So, we decided to write a little guide about this incredible service!

What is Hot Shot Car Shipping?

So, what is this service? And why is it called “hot shot?” Well, the reason for the name is that, while we’re hauling your vehicle, we treat it like a hot shot. Hot shot shipments happen when we need to ship one vehicle somewhere fast. Therefore, this vehicle will get its own dedicated trailer and truck as it travels to its destination. Hot shot transport is perfect for people who want their cars immediately or who don’t want to share a trailer with other vehicles.

The Difference Between Open and Enclosed Hot Shot Shipping

Like our regular auto transport services, hot shot gives you the option of using an open or enclosed trailer. Each service has its own pros and cons, making it more or less of a fit for certain orders. But either way, you’re getting the best hot shot service that you’ll find in the Midwest!


Hot shot shipping is usually the purview of our enclosed transport team, as people who want to give their cars the hot shot treatment usually want extra security, too. Enclosed trailers keep your car completely secure during the transport process. However, they’re also more expensive to use. It’s up to you whether you want to pay for the extra security or go for the savings of open shipping.


If you want to save money on your hot shot shipment, think about using an open trailer! This can be anything from a classic flatbed trailer to an open cage trailer, but the outcome is the same. We’ll make sure to secure your car well on our trailer and drive safely while out on the road. Open shipping is still plenty secure; it’s just not as airtight on that front as enclosed shipping is.

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