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COVID-19 Prompting Limitations All Over The Trucking Industry

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Another wave of COVID-19 is starting a series of shutdowns, including the trucking industry. Yet, truckers are still able to be on the front lnes of the danger that surrounds our world ever so carelessly.

Restaurants aren’t allowing people eat inside, cities are suffering from civil unrest, and the virus is even getting those brave drivers sick. Legislation was passed as recent as earlier in the year to relax truckers from HOS restrictions, overweight regulations and tax burdens. But Truckers still had to find a good meal while also delivering to cities with no funding from policemen. Which can result in less than favorable situations. Just in some sort of fear really.

I mean, they can’t even relieve themselves in rest stops, let alone properly eat in restaurants. It’s tough being a trucker nowadays. Things have increasingly gotten better, seeing how restrictions are temporarily in freefall. Civil unrest has also been a bit more quiet because of many other factors. Lockdowns and restaurant restrictions are just not what any of us need but the pandemic continues without remorse.

Even TravelCenters are getting hit by this. All across America, these restaurant locations are shutting down. According to TA, their kitchen/deli areas remain open as well as fuel islands. But many of the locations throughout the United States seem to still be shut down regardless.

And how about that COVID-19 vaccine?

To make matters worse, truckers may be stressed by future plans to carry the COVID-19 vaccine across the USA when it comes into play.

There’s not enough specification when it comes to exactly what the cure will be or how it will work. But some groups, nonetheless, like Reefer, demand to ‘tap out’ the market, leaving little wiggle-room.

How they’ll figure out how to keep the vaccine extremely cold, is something that most fleets haven’t even thought of yet. Godspeed, Truckers.

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